Friday 24 May 2019

Everything You Need To Know About Automotive Technicians

As the Indian automotive market is flourishing rapidly, its workforce is expected to develop accordingly in order to meet the global market demands. Especially the automotive technicians – the service professionals who are responsible to diagnose and fix any mechanical issue in the vehicles – are striving to justify their job roles while coping with rapid advancements in technology.

Certainly, being an automotive technician is not at all a plain sailing. The Government of India is also working hard to support the automotive industry by providing various training workshops to reshape the automotive workforce in this dynamic environment, one such is automotive technician training programme, which aims at skilling and upskilling the technicians. Taking a course from a government recognised council, like Automotive Skills Development Council (ASDC), will enable the technicians to update their technical and electrical knowledge. If you have a knack for dealing in vehicles and wish to work in this profile, here are all the details you need to know:


An automotive technician not only has to take care of the mechanical issues but also should be proficient in conversing with customers. You should provide customers with relevant details about their vehicle and how can they improve their car’s performance and life. This will help you in establishing trust with your clients. An auto technician should also be familiar about the applicable state laws regarding safety, emissions and other standards. 

Working Environment

Automotive technicians are usually surrounded by machines and cars. While mending cars, they have to work with many heavy and dangerous tools. Minor injuries like cuts, scrapes, and bruises on technicians’ hands are very commonly seen. But to avoid big accidents and mishaps, employers should implement proper preventive measures at the work space. 

Skills Required

Besides having a hands-on experience on tools and technicalities, an automotive technician should possess some of these additional qualities too:

  • A fair idea about manual as well as pneumatic tools 
  • Ability to solve problems quickly with rational solutions, even under high-pressure or time constraint Able to converse proficiently with customers while conveying them the mechanical issues in a layman's language Having an absolute knowledge about the product
  • Following work ethics and willing to work till late to meet deadlines whenever necessary


Usually, a degree in mechanical engineering is required to be an automotive technician. However, people who have flair for mending cars can take up an automotive technician certification course for gaining the knowledge on entirety. Along with it, you will be updated with all the current and upcoming changes in the automotive industry. You can also choose to attend any automotive technician training programmes that are usually held by various government associations. 

Being an automotive technician is not a cakewalk. Yet, it is considered to be one of the most pursued careers in the automotive sector. If you have a knack for technicalities, then aforementioned information will help you in knowing about the job-role and duties of the automotive technicians on a whole.

Thursday 23 May 2019

How to select a good automotive training provider?

Being in a challenging profession, like in the automotive sector, is not a kid’s stuff. Most of the mechanics are striving hard for their survival in this tough yet revenue-generating occupation. And especially for those who are seeking progress in their career, taking up a formal training becomes inevitable. Still, people are not able to access training sessions as these are expensive and time-consuming. In case, you are already working, taking out spare time becomes difficult and can even cause a loss of income. 

Thanks to the advent of a few accredited automotive training certification centres that have enabled the aspiring and existing technicians or mechanics to increase their skills and broaden the base of knowledge. Nonetheless, not all training providers can be trusted for taking up an automotive course. So, here are some tips to select the perfect automotive training centre to establish or expand your automotive career. Keep-on reading!

Prerequisites for an automotive training provider

As the automotive sector is burgeoning at a fast pace, the demand for bona fide training centres is also increasing. Therefore, rise in the number of automotive training centres can be observed, though not all of them can be trusted to take up training. Opt for those training centres that:

1. Possess a realistic approach

Theoretical learning does help in acquiring a basic knowledge of vehicles and their components. But, to become a successful mechanic, one must opt for a training centre that teaches practical knowledge too. An ideal learning atmosphere should be composed of such training sessions that guide the trainees to deal with automobiles in real-life situations.

2. Customise their courses: 

Select those institutes that provide training with a generic theoretical as well as practical approach. Students should be taught with the help of case studies, role plays, examples and terminology in order to hold an absolute expertise over subjects. 

3. Offer virtual learning:  

With so much of digital transformation in nearly every sector, training sessions can also be conducted virtually. An accredited training centre should administer on a multi-channel and multi-modal approaches. This can be done by integrating live webinars, online learning modules, and podcasts in their institute. 

4. Provide placement opportunities:  

Pursuing any course is incomplete if you are unable to fetch a job in the same industry. Take up training courses from those centres that promise you to provide automotive placements in reputed firms. Automotive Skills Development Council (ASDC) is one such government recognsied council that works with an aim to skill and upskill the nation’s workforce, while providing them job and apprenticeship opportunities with the help of their associated government schemes.

Aforementioned pointers would help you to choose the best automotive training certification centre.